
word craft



Avery of Sav­age, Mary­land asks, “Have you ever writ­ten a book you have nev­er published?”

The Scream by Edvard Munch. In the pub­lic domain in the US.

If mem­o­ry serves, there are about eleven or twelve nov­els that I wrote which were nev­er pub­lished. As to why, the short answer is they were not good enough. In a cou­ple of cas­es, I tried to write sci­ence fic­tion, but proved to myself that I did not know the genre well enough. Then there were books, which were accept­ed by pub­lish­ers only to be sub­se­quent­ly turned down, as edi­tors changed, the rewrit­ing bogged down, or in which I lost inter­est for some­thing that excit­ed me more. One book that I wrote was deemed by my edi­tor as too scary for my readers—and my agent con­curred. I put that one aside, too. Anoth­er book failed to inter­est a num­ber of pub­lish­ers, which, over time, told me it was not going to inter­est anyone.

All that said, I like to think I learned some­thing from these books. More­over, some of the ideas, even char­ac­ters, reemerged in oth­er books that were published.

How­ev­er, that edi­tor, the one who said the scary book I wrote was too much for my read­ers, recent­ly said, “I’ve nev­er for­got­ten that book. Maybe we should do it now.”


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