
word craft


Avi’s Books (alphabetical listing)

Lost in the Empire City
Lost in the Empire City
Crispin, The End of Time
Crispin, The End of Time (Crispin, Book 3 of 3)
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle
City of Magic
City of Mag­ic (Medieval Mys­ter­ies, book 3 of 3)
Man Who Was Poe
Man Who Was Poe
Ragweed & Poppy
Rag­weed & Pop­py
(Pop­py, book 2 of 7)
Secret Sisters Avi
The Secret Sis­ters (sequel to
The Secret School)
Sophia's War
Sophi­a’s War
The Unexpected Life of Oliver Cromwell Pitts
The Unex­pect­ed Life of Oliv­er Cromwell Pitts (fol­lowed by The End of the World and Beyond)
Who Was That Masked Man Anyway?
Who Was That Masked Man Anyway?

Abi­gail Takes the Wheel

Aman­da Joins the Circus


Begin­ning, a Mud­dle, and an End

Best Shorts

Beyond the West­ern Sea, Book 1: Escape from Home

Beyond the West­ern Sea, Book 2: Into the Storm

Blue Heron

Book With­out Words

Bright Shad­ow

But­ton War

Cap­tain Grey

Catch You Lat­er, Traitor

Christ­mas Rat

City of Light, City of Dark

City of Mag­ic (Medieval Mys­ter­ies, Book 3)

City of Orphans

Crispin at the Edge of the World (Book 2) (audio excerpt avail­able online)

Crispin: the End of Time (Book 3) (audio excerpt avail­able online)

Crispin: the Cross of Lead (Book 1) (audio excerpt avail­able online)

Dev­il’s Race

Don’t You Know There’s a War On?

Emi­ly Upham’s Revenge

Encounter at Easton

End of the Beginning

End of the World and Beyond (sequel to Oliv­er Cromwell Pitts)

Ereth’s Birth­day (audio excerpt avail­able online)

Escape from Home (Beyond the West­ern Sea, Book 1)

Fight­ing Ground

Find­ing Prov­i­dence: the Sto­ry of Roger Williams

Gold Rush Girl

Good Dog

Hard Gold

His­to­ry of Help­less Harry

Into The Storm (Beyond the West­ern Sea, Book 2)

Iron Thun­der

Keep Your Eye on Amanda

Lost in the Empire City


Man from the Sky

Man Who Was Poe

May­or of Cen­tral Park

Mid­night Mag­ic (Medieval Mys­ter­ies, Book 1)

Most Impor­tant Thing

Mur­der at Mid­night (Medieval Mys­ter­ies, Book 2)

Nev­er Mind

Night Jour­neys

No More Magic

Noth­ing But the Truth

Old Wolf

Per­loo the Bold

Place Called Ugly

Play­er King

Pop­py (audio excerpt avail­able online)

Pop­py and Ereth (audio excerpt avail­able online)

Pop­py and Rye (audio excerpt avail­able online)

Pop­py’s Return (audio excerpt avail­able online)

Prairie School

Punch with Judy

Rag­weed (audio excerpt avail­able)

Rag­weed & Poppy

Romeo and Juli­et, Togeth­er (and Alive!) At Last

School of the Dead

S.O.R. Losers

Secret School

Secret Sis­ters

Seer of Shadows

Silent Movie

Smug­glers’ Island

Some­thing Upstairs

Some­times I Think I Hear My Name

Sophi­a’s War: a Tale of the Revolution

Strange Hap­pen­ings

Things That Some­times Happen

Tom, Babette, & Simon

Trai­tors’ Gate

True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle

Unex­pect­ed Life of Oliv­er Cromwell Pitts (see also The End of the World and Beyond, the sequel)

What Do Fish Have To Do with Any­thing?

Who Stole the Wiz­ard Of Oz?

Who Was That Masked Man, Anyway?


Wolf Rid­er