
word craft


Six Secrets to Good Writing


Read, read, read. Read­ing is the key to good writ­ing. The more you read, the bet­ter the writer you can be. You can nev­er read too much.


Write! It’s not writ­ten until it’s on the paper. Sto­ry telling is a great art, but it is not sto­ry writing.


Write what you would enjoy read­ing. You’ll have more fun, and it will be better.


Rewrite! No one ever writes any­thing well the first time. The first draft can­not be the last draft. (I rewrite my work fifty-six­ty times—or more). Here’s a tip: read your first draft, and if you think it’s good, you are in trou­ble. But, if you read it and you see it’s not that good, you are in great shape—to get going. The more you rewrite the bet­ter your writ­ing will be.


Write for read­ers. Maybe you under­stand what you have writ­ten, but the writer’s job is to have the read­er under­stand it. Keep in mind: writ­ers don’t write writ­ing, they write reading.


Lis­ten. Read your work out loud (pen­cil in hand) and it will let you hear your own writ­ing. It will almost improve itself.

  For more tips, read Avi’s blog, “Word­Craft.”

Avi's office
Avi’s writ­ing space