
word craft


I hadn’t planned on this

hourglassOne of the key fac­tors in a writer’s life is wait­ing. You wait for ideas, to have one and to devel­op one. You wait to share your idea. When you fin­ish a man­u­script (there is lots of wait­ing as you think out prob­lems) you wait for your (good friend) read­er to respond. You wait for an edi­tor to react. You do revi­sions, and wait for your edi­tor (who is after all, work­ing on lots of oth­er projects) then you wait as the book goes into pro­duc­tion. Even when the book is all done, and you have an ARC (advanced reader’s copy) you wait for reviews. You wait for read­ers respons­es. You wait to see if the book will sell. In addi­tion, if you real­ly have high expec­ta­tions, you wait for the award sea­son. The best way to deal with all this wait­ing? Work on more than one book at a time.

1 thought on “I hadn’t planned on this”

  1. As an inspir­ing writer, it’s good to know such a good writer as Avi has sev­er­al books in the hop­per. And patience and wait­ing? my favorite prayer is “God, grant me patience… and hur­ry up!”


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