
word craft


Do you really want to do this?

swimmerI sup­pose the best way to describe the expe­ri­ence of start­ing a new book is to imag­ine a swim­mer stand­ing on the shore of a creek, a riv­er, an ocean: Which is to say, you are about to com­mit your­self to a cross­ing. You stand there won­der­ing where and what the dis­tant shore will be like. How far is it? How long will it take? Do you real­ly want to com­mit your­self? More impor­tant­ly, how will you get across? Do you even know where you are going? What dan­gers lurk mid­stream? Are there any mon­sters lurk­ing in the deep? Do you dive in and just start swim­ming? (Do you know how to swim?) Do you plan your route?  What swim stroke will you use? Do you take any­one along with you? How long will this swim take? Are there treach­er­ous under­cur­rents, whirlpools with which you will con­tend? Will the water be warm and wel­come? Cold and rejecting?

Do I real­ly want to do this? I think so. At least, I just start­ed a new book.

3 thoughts on “Do you really want to do this?”

  1. Avi,
    Your posts are always on point regard­ing where I stand at any giv­en moment.
    At this moment I am shak­ing in my boots as I look at the ter­ri­fy­ing ocean of my next book.
    The ques­tions you pose are the ques­tions I’m ask­ing myself. 

    And why do I want to do this?

    In the end it comes down to a need that I per­ceive that lies out­side myself. I fer­vent­ly hope that my abil­i­ty to swim has improved.

    Thank you!


  2. Exact­ly. And once the tip­py-toes are wet, we’re off. All the way to the oth­er shore.
    {At least that’s the way my swims work.~~~~~}


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