
word craft


Is a book ever done?

InfinityLate last night I fin­ished a book I have been work­ing on for many years. I was done. Fin­ished. I could send it in to my edi­tor. We’ve both worked long and hard. This is a book that changed my life. But that is anoth­er sto­ry. For the moment, relief. Not joy. Relief. 

I went to bed think­ing about it. How could I not? Twen­ty min­utes lat­er I got up and returned to my com­put­er and worked on the last page. The last line. Done. Fin­ished. Real­ly fin­ished. I went to bed, again. Read a book about the joys of read­ing (not writing). 

In the morn­ing I got up, went to my com­put­er, and rewrote that last page. Last line.  Jumped here and there, fid­dled. Changed. 

Is a book ever done? I don’t think so. I sup­pose it is a case of dimin­ish­ing returns. You change less and less. And yet, one small change can make a dif­fer­ence. A big dif­fer­ence. I have had that experience. 

Am I done? Think so. I’ll just take one more look … 

4 thoughts on “Is a book ever done?”

  1. Ho, does this sound famil­iar! Once again, you cap­ture it so well … Late­ly, I’ve been hold­ing on to ms. longer, just for that ben­e­fit of dis­tance and that abil­i­ty to rewrite one more line, one more page …

  2. Sharon: Yes, there is always one more some­thing… and when the book is pub­lished, you’ll find more, right? Sigh .…

    Lee: Glad to help change your mind and writ­ing life …just not the rest.

    Love to you both.



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