
word craft


Found inside a book

Mickey MantleWhat can you find in a book? Words, to be sure, unless it is a blank book.

Years ago I bought a 19th cen­tu­ry book for chil­dren which con­tained two sto­ries.  One was a tale about a young woman who mar­ried for love and lived a sad, pen­ni­less life. The oth­er sto­ry was about a young woman who mar­ried for mon­ey and lived a mis­er­able life.

Inside the book was a let­ter that read some­thing along these lines: “Dear Essie, you are too young to read these sto­ries, but when you do I hope you fol­low the advice con­tained in the sto­ry. I wish I had. Your Grand­ma Martha, aged 94.”

Which sto­ry? What advice? Not said.

In fact peo­ple, appar­ent­ly find many extra­or­di­nary things in books. If you want to smile, fol­low this link.

Please note that you can’t find any­thing tucked inside an e‑book.



1 thought on “Found inside a book”

  1. Wow. What an inter­est­ing find. Thanks for shar­ing that. And I sure agree with your last com­ment: noth­ing to leave/find in an e‑book.


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