
word craft


Recent Giveaway Recipients

Catch You Later, TraitorCon­grat­u­la­tions to the 10 peo­ple whose names were drawn at ran­dom: Sandy S from Cedar Rapids, IA; Gwen C from Lakeville, MN; Joan A from Golds­boro, NC; Patrick H from Burling­ton, VT; Josi­ah J from Elburn, IL; Megan H from Chan­dler, AZ; Jamie B from Mesa AZ; Eliz­a­beth S from Mil­wau­kee, WI; Andrea P from North Baby­lon, NY; Katy M from Steam­boat Springs, CO. Each of you will receive a signed Advanced Read­er Copy of Catch You Lat­er, Trai­tor, to be pub­lished by Algo­nquin on March 10, 2015. These 10 will receive their books in the mail with­in a week or two.

Read­ers, we invite you to share your thoughts here or on your blog after you’ve read the book.

For those of you whose names weren’t drawn, we’ll hold more give­aways in the future!

5 thoughts on “Recent Giveaway Recipients”

  1. Thank you! I’m thrilled to recieve a copy (my kids were hop­ing I’d win so they could read it too). Look­ing for­ward to read­ing it and review­ing it.

  2. Even though I did­n’t win, I WILL buy a copy as soon as it comes out. May have to get to so my hub­by can read it at the same time and then we can have great book talks!

  3. Wow, so excit­ed to win a copy! So many great mem­o­ries of read­ing your books. Can’t wait to read it and tell my stu­dents about it. Thanks!

  4. Thank you for the advanced copy. I was thrilled to win one. I’m look­ing for­ward to read­ing it as are my two chil­dren who met you when we lived in Zug, Switzerland.


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