
word craft


Where we work

writing in a coffee shopI have just come back from a three-months trip away from home. The rea­son is sim­ple. We live in a very iso­lat­ed place, and we decid­ed we need­ed to spend time with people–not chip­munks. I took along my lap-top of course, and worked at a steady rate. It was a very good trip. Had a good time. But we are home, and we are very happy.

One of the hap­pi­est aspects is that I am at my own desk, with my own key­board, chair, screen. When I slipped back into all of this, it was with a sense of great com­fort, a com­fort so nat­ur­al, a gen­er­al relief, that I was able to focus exclu­sive­ly on my writ­ing, not the chair, screen … etc.

I can and do work any­where. On planes. In hotels. But I think it is hard to put aside the phys­i­cal com­fort that comes from work­ing at home. It is because I do not think about those that allows me con­cen­trate so well on the writing.

I know folks who work on kitchen tables. In cafes. In libraries. Their own office space. It would be fun to tab­u­late where we all work. I am not sure it mat­ters where you work, as long as you are supreme­ly com­fort­able about that space, so that it allows you to do what you do best.

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4 thoughts on “Where we work”

  1. Home is where the heart (of a writer) is. My writ­ing home is in my home, away from new sounds and sights that dis­tract me from let­ting my mind run free. In my famil­iar set­ting I’m not busy look­ing around, watch­ing some­one buy that lat­te or open their library books and kick back. I’m not busy won­der­ing what they are think­ing about, why they came to this busy place to do qui­et work.

    Maybe it’s my curios­i­ty about the world that dis­tracts me in those busy places. All I know, is that I’m more pro­duc­tive at home, in the qui­et, in the famil­iar. Like you, I find com­fort at my desk, sur­round­ed by the cozy work­space I’ve created.

  2. I have tried dif­fer­ent places through­out my home but, I always end up on my bed, where I do every­thing it seems. My dog curled up next to me and a gor­geous arched win­dow to look up at dur­ing my “spacey” times.

  3. I write best in my stu­dio (a love­ly room in my home) but dur­ing the sum­mer months I write in my out­door stu­dio (a screened in gaze­bo). I am look­ing for­ward to my retire­ment (from teach­ing) so I can write full time!


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