
word craft


Writing groups

Rox­ane asks how I feel about writ­ing groups.

gr_letter_blockTo begin, I have nev­er been part of a writ­ing group in any for­mal sense. That said, from the ear­ly days of my writ­ing, I did share work with friends and fel­low writ­ers, but it was nev­er orga­nized. That shar­ing was very impor­tant to me.

I think writ­ing groups can be very pro­duc­tive. Writ­ers tend to work in iso­la­tion, and it is vital to get sup­port, encour­age­ment, a sense of con­nec­tion, a place in the com­mu­ni­ty of writ­ers. Such groups can (I know) share pro­fes­sion­al infor­ma­tion, knowl­edge of the writ­ers’ world, all of which is invalu­able. It is under­stand­able that new writ­ers sim­ply do not know about the busi­ness side of writ­ing, and such infor­ma­tion is important.

[I do wish col­leges would offer a course enti­tled, “The Busi­ness Side of Being an Artist.”)

There can be prob­lems (I am told) when one mem­ber of a writ­ing group dom­i­nates. I am sure the qual­i­ty of respons­es vary a great deal, too. Learn to lis­ten. Select. Choose what is use­ful and what is not.

Over­all, writ­ing is about shar­ing. With that in mind, I can only believe writ­ing groups have more to offer than not.

1 thought on “Writing groups”

  1. A writ­ing group is about get­ting feed­back and lis­ten­ing to it. It does­n’t mean you adopt it all, but it is a response that will tell you about that per­son­’s reac­tion to your work. I think there must be a will­ing­ness to be vul­ner­a­ble in par­tic­i­pat­ing in that kind of group, but I also think there are folks who can’t hear it no mat­ter how often some­thing is said. How­ev­er, read­ing is a dual inter­ac­tion. There is what is on the page, and there is what the read­er brings to the page. Only the half that is writ­ten is sol­id and last­ing. What read­ers bring will vary and change.


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