
word craft


It has to work both ways

teamworkThere is one aspect of pro­fes­sion­al pub­lish­ing that is rarely talked about, the ten­sion between pub­lish­ing and the writer. I am not speak­ing here about prob­lems in mar­ket­ing, roy­al­ties, or any of the busi­ness prob­lems that always come up, which have their own strains. I am ref­er­enc­ing the clash of egos between writ­ers and editors.

There are writ­ers who believe that the cre­ation of a book is a one-per­son endeav­or, that what they write is essen­tial­ly per­fect, not to be ques­tioned, not to be changed, but to be pub­lished exact­ly as writ­ten. I recall vis­it­ing a publisher’s office years ago. There on the top of a copy-edit­ed man­u­script of a very famous writer (I am delib­er­ate­ly not giv­ing the author’s name) was scrawled, “God damn it! When I write ‘…’ I mean ‘…’! God damn it.”

On the oth­er side, there are edi­tors who believe that it is they who deserve pri­ma­ry cred­it for the cre­ation of a qual­i­ty book. “The Maxwell Perkins syn­drome,” I call it, named after a famous edi­tor who did, in fact, just that. These edi­tors believe that their edit­ing turns an unsuc­cess­ful man­u­script into a well-writ­ten and pub­lished book, and feel free to rewrite the author’s work. They will say as much among oth­er edi­tors, but nev­er say so to the writer. Or to the public.

I have lis­tened to writ­ers com­plain about “inter­fer­ing “edi­tors. Much more rarely have I heard edi­tors talk (well, whis­per) about “incom­pe­tent” writ­ers who have good ideas but who “can’t real­ly” write. I sus­pect how­ev­er, it is a much more wide­ly held belief than is articulated.

A shame real­ly. The editor/writer rela­tion­ship is so fun­da­men­tal to the cre­ation of good writ­ing. Trust is nec­es­sary. But it has to work both ways. When it does not, the writ­ing suf­fers greatly.

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