
word craft


Top 15 most frequently asked questions

question markI made my first school vis­it in 1970. Since that time, there have been count­less such vis­its, in class­rooms, audi­to­ri­ums, and these days via Skype. I have been in front of audi­ences at many, many con­fer­ences as well. All venues vary enor­mous­ly, in both loca­tion (every state) and a few coun­tries abroad. Despite the vari­a­tions, there are cer­tain ques­tions that are almost always asked.

  1. Where do you get your ideas?
  2. What is your real name?
  3. How old are you?
  4. How long does it take you to write a book?
  5. Among the books you have writ­ten, what is your favorite?
  6. Does your fam­i­ly help you write your books?
  7. How much mon­ey do you make?
  8. Do peo­ple rec­og­nize you when you walk along the street?
  9. What inspired you to write [name of book]?
  10. Who is your favorite author?  [“Oth­er than yourself?”]
  11. Of all the books you have read, what is your favorite?
  12. What was your first book?
  13. How many books have you written?
  14. I want to write. What advice would you give me?
  15. When will you stop writing?

9 thoughts on “Top 15 most frequently asked questions”

  1. My favorite is num­ber 8. I would hope that I would rec­og­nize you if I passed you on the street!

    • And one of the things I like about being a writer is that I am sel­dom rec­og­nized. It’s my books I want rec­og­nized, not my face. I send my books out in the world to be pub­lic. My face stays here with me and is rather shy.

      • Oh, I think I would rec­og­nize you. But no wor­ries — I too, enjoy my intro­ver­sion. Should I ever pass you on the street, I’ll just give you a lit­tle wave and a smile. And I won’t let on to my daugh­ter that I just passed you — she would for sure run you down and give you the Inqui­si­tion! My whole fam­i­ly adores you and your work.

  2. When authors vis­it my school library, I like to tell stu­dents, “Only raise your hand for a ques­tion if that proves you have read one of the author’s books.”

  3. I Love the book secret school house.i would like to talk to you on a dai­ly bases. I would love to email you.i love that you write book for kids. You Are one of the best writers.i love the secret school house.


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