
word craft



ph_mountainviewAlex­is, from Madi­son NJ, asks, “How [do you] spend your sum­mers? The rea­son I am ask­ing this is because I want to know if authors go on vacation.”

I cer­tain­ly know authors who go on vaca­tion. I have tak­en them myself. I have to admit I am not so sure I like tak­ing vaca­tions. Even when I go some­where inter­est­ing, I take my lap­top with me and try to do some work. Part­ly it is the habit of writ­ing. If I do not write, I feel a lit­tle uneasy. Or maybe lazy. Then in addi­tion, if I am work­ing on a book, it is hard to step away from it. I so want to get it done! Still, I think it is a good idea to take a vaca­tion if you can. Some­times it even makes my work better.

Final­ly, I live in a beau­ti­ful place, high in the Rocky Moun­tains, where peo­ple come to have a vaca­tion. You might say I live in a vaca­tion spot all year round. And I can write here, too. Not too bad.

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