
word craft


Visiting classrooms

Skype visitIt used to be that I spent a fair amount of time vis­it­ing schools, in class­rooms. I still do some vis­its but most of my vis­it­ing is now done via Skype. In this school year I’ve already done forty such vis­its, and the term is not yet over.

Con­sid­er­ing where I live, high (as in Rocky Moun­tains) in rur­al Col­orado, mak­ing many vis­its in per­son are, if not impos­si­ble, difficult.

More­over, the trav­el cost these days of bring­ing me to schools is high, high at a time when schools sim­ply don’t have that kind of fund­ing. I do charge for Skype vis­its, but I think, very lit­tle. [$100.00]

The great advan­tage of Skype vis­its is that they are so focused; one group of stu­dents (up to 30), one teacher, and usu­al­ly one theme, book, or group of books. A class­room can read one of my books (or many) and voila! Stu­dents (and teacher) talk to me about it, ask ques­tions, have a dis­cus­sion. Usu­al­ly, every stu­dent gets to ask a ques­tion, and more often than not, more than one. Some­times I’ll read from a new book, or an old one.

Let’s admit, the tech­nol­o­gy is not always the best. This is not HD tele­vi­sion. Old wiring, poor cam­corders, unfa­mil­iar tech­nol­o­gy, and so forth, can make things fuzzy. But the cam­eras have got­ten bet­ter so that often the tech­nol­o­gy is good, made bet­ter (or excel­lent) by knowl­edge­able media staff. What’s the biggest prob­lem? Match­ing time zones (match Sau­di Ara­bia, Hong Kong and Clark, Colorado).

My goal is always to have a relaxed, infor­mal dis­cus­sion in, which stu­dents (and I!) enjoy the back and forth con­ver­sa­tion, a sense of con­nec­tion. I try to engage young peo­ple in the world of read­ing and writ­ing. The prob­lems stu­dents have writ­ing are (to their sur­prise) my prob­lems, the prob­lems of writ­ing in gen­er­al. Best of all, these casu­al vis­its make the world of author­ship famil­iar, acces­si­ble, not alien. It is stan­dard for me to meet young peo­ple who want to write, who love to read. My job is to encour­age that. The teach­ers I work with tell me it happens

For me, it’s a chance to meet my read­ers, learn how they respond to my books. Make friends with folks around the world. It can nev­er be a bad thing when writ­ers, read­ers, and teach­ers con­nect. And it’s easy to do.

(Pho­to used with per­mis­sion of Shoshone-News Press)

3 thoughts on “Visiting classrooms”

  1. Avi, your skype vis­it with one of my class­es was the high­light of our year. Yet your two school vis­its made an even more last­ing impres­sion. We all strug­gle to be writ­ers of words that oth­ers enjoy reading…even you, after all these years of being a pub­lished and praised author. Thank you for being acces­si­ble and hon­est to your read­ers. Our Avi library books are in con­stant rota­tion since your visits.

  2. I Would not be able to express the excite­ment I would have had had you vis­it­ed my school when I was a child, by any means. What a won­der­ful thing to do. This blog sums up in a few para­graphs why you will always be my favorite author.


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