
word craft


Reading groups rather than writing groups

audio bookThe New York Times recent­ly quot­ed Stephen King as say­ing, “If you lis­ten to some­thing on audio, every flaw in a writer’s work, the rep­e­ti­tion of words and the clum­sy phras­es, they all stand out. As a writer I say to myself, how will that sound?”

I some­times think that instead of writ­ers’ groups—which are orga­nized around folks read­ing one another’s work, and then cri­tiquing the writing—might be more effec­tive as read­ing groups, in which writ­ers read their work to one another.

And, to make it even more effec­tive, record those read­ings so you could lis­ten to what you your­self have writ­ten as you head home.

It just might be sound advice.

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