Fossil Phrases
Our language is full of what I call “fossil phrases,” terms we still use that are based on things or acts from the past. After reading, reader, you are invited to add your own fossil phrase in the blog comments.
Our language is full of what I call “fossil phrases,” terms we still use that are based on things or acts from the past. After reading, reader, you are invited to add your own fossil phrase in the blog comments.
Over the years, a number of my books have been optioned for movies. What does “optioned” mean?
In all the current political debates about immigration, it is sometimes forgotten, that unless you are connected to Native People, we are ALL immigrants or descended from immigrants, people in search of a better life.
BLURB: “A short laudatory phrase — or even a word — that praises a piece of creative work.”
In 1975, to my great surprise, No More Magic was nominated for the “Best Juvenile Mystery of the Year,” by the Mystery Writers of America. Back then, new to the world of children’s books, I had never heard of the award or the organization.
If I have learned anything in my career it is that nobody — nobody — writes anything very well in one go.
To my eyes, Tales of Wonder by James Gilroy is a wonderful work of art, brilliantly animated with life. In the style of the time, it contains a wealth of information — almost a narrative.
If anyone is interested in the world of writing and publishing, let me highly recommend, indeed urge upon you, The Untold Story of Books, by Michael Castleman.
One of the key tools a writer has is memory. In particular, it’s not unusual for those who write for young people to have engaging — and meaningful — memories of their own childhood.
From 1983 until 2011 — twenty-eight years — I worked with the late Richard Jackson as my editor. If I count correctly, I believe we created some twenty-five books together.