
word craft


From the Mailbox, part 1

I have to dri­ve into town to get our mail from our post office box. Occa­sion­al­ly, I find a let­ter that makes the trip a joy­ful one.

Dear Avi,

Crispin: Cross of LeadBecause your books appeal most­ly to young peo­ple, you may be sur­prised to hear from a 92 year old!

My 59 year old daugh­ter intro­duced me to Crispin. Imme­di­ate­ly, I fell in love with this poor name­less orphan! At that moment in my mind’s eye, I adopt­ed Crispin as my great-grandchild!

Nev­er before have I been so cap­ti­vat­ed by a series as your Crispin books! 

Even though, in the begin­ning, this was a planned tril­o­gy, please give us one more book in the series.

Avi, you are the only per­son who can tell us if the dan­ger­ous adven­tures and actions Crispin and Owen faced on their jour­ney with Ivard and Halia.

Did they final­ly arrive safe­ly in Ice­land? As Crispin’s great grand-moth­er, I’m nat­u­ral­ly con­cerned and anx­ious. I need to know!

Thank you! 


6 thoughts on “From the Mailbox, part 1”

  1. Avi, Your words and sto­ry lines con­tin­ue to enchant read­ers of all ages! Agreed, Crispin is a con­sum­ing read, pulling at our parental heart­strings and our love for his­tor­i­cal con­nec­tions. Thank you for shar­ing this. We hope you are well dur­ing this uncer­tain time.

  2. I did answer, with much thanks. The fourth book? I would like to write it. Prob­lem: first two books were pub­lished by pub­lish­er A. Third book pub­lished by pub­lish­er B, who declined to pub­lish book 4. Maybe I should start a Kick­start cam­paign and self publish.


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