
word craft


What My Dysgraphia Looks Like

Since I recent­ly wrote about my dys­graphia, some folks have asked me what it looks like. What you see here is the ear­li­est piece of my writ­ing I have. It was found when the fam­i­ly home was sold. I am not sure of the date, and that means I don’t know how old I was. I was born in 1937, so sure­ly it was com­posed some­time in the 1940s.

Avi writing sample

Here are things to note:

  1. The hand­writ­ing changes a lot on this one page.
  2. It appears to be my attempt to write a radio sto­ry, (I loved rock­ets and air­planes) radio being some­thing I lis­tened to con­stant­ly. I think radio sto­ries influ­enced the way I came to write. Much dia­logue. Short scenes. A lot of for­ward move­ment, all of which can be seen here.
  3. Bad spelling. The word scene is spelled three dif­fer­ent ways. 
  4. But notice the par­en­thet­i­cal marks and phras­es, which could come about only because I must have been read­ing a good deal.

3 thoughts on “What My Dysgraphia Looks Like”

  1. Thank you for shar­ing this and edu­cat­ing us all. Best of all, thanks for giv­ing young writ­ers hope.
    Write on!


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