
word craft


Blue Heron

Blue Heron

Harper­Collins, 1993

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audio book nar­rat­ed by 
Christi­na Moore

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What’s this book about?

The sto­ry of a piv­otal sum­mer for thir­teen-year-old Mag­gie tells how her fight to pro­tect a soli­tary blue heron with which she iden­ti­fies dis­tracts her from deal­ing with strange new ten­sions in her family.

Story Behind the Story

There was a time in the 70’s and 80’s when it was fash­ion­able (if that’s the right word) to be part of groups, men’s group’s, women’s groups. An out­growth of the fem­i­nist move­ment, the func­tion of these groups was sim­ply to talk about one’s life expe­ri­ence. One shared, one lis­tened, and you came—the hope was—to know a big­ger world. Some­times these groups con­sist­ed of friends. Some­times they were per­fect strangers.

I was part of such a group—strangers. They were all men, more or less my own age, shar­ing if you will, their inner lives, try­ing to  solve life’s problems.

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Awards and Recognition

  • ALA Best Books for Young Adults, 1993
  • Starred Review, Book­list, 1992 (Focus Review)
  • Point­ed Review, Kirkus Reviews, 1992
  • New York Pub­lic Library, Books for the Teenage, 1993


“ … a con­tem­po­rary fam­i­ly under unusu­al stress…. The heron, a potent sym­bol ( … it can mean life or death), has been Mag­gie’s pre­oc­cu­pa­tion and solace; in the end, though Dad’s adult prob­lems may defy solu­tion, she man­ages to trans­form the bel­liger­ent Tuck­er’s per­cep­tion of the awe-inspir­ing bird. A thought­ful, beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed sto­ry.” (Kirkus Reviews)

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