
word craft



envelopesAvi may be avail­able to speak to your stu­dents, book­store, library, or book club via Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype.

Or per­haps you would like to inquire about hav­ing Avi come to speak at your con­fer­ence or university.

To dis­cuss these pos­si­bil­i­ties, please con­tact his book­ing agents at booking@windingoak.com

To con­tact Avi direct­ly, it is best to send a let­ter:
PO Box 900
Clark CO 80428–0900

Let­ters sent to his pub­lish­ers often take a long time to reach him.

Avi tries to write back, although some­times it’s hard to write back quickly.

It speeds things up if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Cre­ative Licens­ing
to inquire, please con­tact Avi’s agent:

Gail Hochman
Brandt & Hochman, NYC