
word craft


Upcoming Events

Every year, Avi speaks with stu­dents at schools in the USA and around the globe, edu­ca­tors and librar­i­ans at con­fer­ences, and read­ers at book festivals.

Invite him to speak either in per­son or virtually.

Visiting with librarians at ALA in Chicago
Vis­it­ing with librar­i­ans at ALA in Chicago

Apr 9, 2024

Saint Mar­garet School
Vir­tu­al Vis­it, two class­rooms
Rum­ford, RI

Their 6th grade class recent­ly read Some­thing Upstairs and their 7th grade class is look­ing for­ward to ask­ing ques­tions about The True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle.

Apr 23, 2024

Cram Ele­men­tary
Vir­tu­al Vis­it
High­land, Colorado

This fifth grade class has read Pop­py and The True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle. We’ll have a good talk!

May 14, 2024

Troy Junior High
Vir­tu­al Vis­it
Troy, Ohio

This will be my 11th year vis­it­ing this class­room vir­tu­al­ly. We’ll dis­cuss the book they’ve just fin­ished: Crispin: The Cross of Lead.

Visiting with librarians at ALA in Chicago
Vis­it­ing with librar­i­ans at ALA in Chicago
Avi and Brian Floca at the Texas Book Festival
Avi and Bri­an Flo­ca at the Texas Book Festival
Authors at Rhode Island Book Festival
Authors at Rhode Island Book Festival
Chatting at the Rhode Island Book Festival
Chat­ting at the Rhode Island Book Festival
Avi visits a school in Switzerland
Avi vis­its a school in Switzerland