
word craft


Virtual Visits

Avi Makes Vir­tu­al Vis­its
to Class­rooms, Libraries, Book Clubs
… through­out the year
on Tues­days, between 9am and 3pm MT

Avi will spend up to an hour via Zoom or Google Meet with your stu­dents, patrons, or book club mem­bers in grades 4 and older.

He prefers that it be no larg­er than a class­room-sized group of 30 so he can see the faces of the stu­dents who are ask­ing the ques­tions … and they can in turn see his face.

Do this once the par­tic­i­pants have read Avi’s book(s) so they can ask ques­tions about the books’ content.

Please inquire about cost, details, and date if you are inter­est­ed. We’ll work with you to set the date, as well as a con­nec­tion test­ing date beforehand.

“I want­ed to say thank you for meet­ing with my class a few weeks ago.  My stu­dents still talk about you and how you inspired them to not give up on read­ing and writ­ing.  I just want­ed to let you know about your impact. We look for­ward to read­ing your new books!” (Lu Ger­lach, Bogaerts Inter­na­tion­al School North Cam­pus in Brus­sels, Belgium)

“The Zoom meet­ings went very well. Avi was delight­ful. He answered every ques­tion, and the boys enjoyed meet­ing a real author. It was a great expe­ri­ence.” (Charleen Lagace, San Miguel School, Prov­i­dence, RI)

“Thank you for such a won­der­ful pre­sen­ta­tion today. After we dis­con­nect­ed our call, the stu­dents start­ed clap­ping, hug­ging, and high-fiv­ing each oth­er. They were so ener­gized by the expe­ri­ence! You left an impres­sion that will last a long time for them all.” (H. Mac­Gre­gor, MA)

“We thor­ough­ly enjoyed talk­ing with you last week and my stu­dents have not stopped talk­ing about all of the cool things they learned about you and writ­ing in gen­er­al. I think it is such an amaz­ing thing you do to reach out and con­nect with younger kids. I can’t tell you how much we appre­ci­ate this. I’m sure this is some­thing that will stay with them for the rest of their life.” (E. John­son, Honduras)

“Stu­dents came away with new insights about the books and a rein­force­ment of the process and craft of writ­ing. … All of the stu­dents were inter­est­ed in the answers for all of the ques­tions, which I thought was a great sign. The faces of the whole class lit up with each answer! I wish we could cap­ture that!” (V. Fed­eri­ci, CT)

“I am most moved by the oppor­tu­ni­ty for my stu­dents and myself to vis­it with you. What a gift you have giv­en so many! Your gen­tle demeanor, time­ly humor, cou­pled with your hum­ble friend­li­ness, gave us all, in our own way, hope for our dreams and a mem­o­ry for days to come.” (L. Mar­tin, ID)

“His can­did words about his aca­d­e­m­ic chal­lenges as a young boy were espe­cial­ly inspir­ing, as was his advice to ‘read, read, read — then read some more’! Dur­ing library time on Wednes­day, my Avi books were fly­ing off the shelf!” (B. Mullin, MA)

“How can we thank you enough for your gen­er­ous respons­es, your humor, and your abil­i­ty to put our stu­dents at such ease! It was such a plea­sure watch­ing you inter­act with the kids and watch­ing their ani­mat­ed respons­es. With­out a doubt, it was a tru­ly suc­cess­ful and worth­while edu­ca­tion­al adven­ture.” (R. Cre­ange, NJ)

Virtual visit
Used with per­mis­sion of Shoshone News Press
Students at San Miguel School in Rhode Island
All-School Read of The Man Who Was Poe by the stu­dents at San Miguel School in Prov­i­dence, Rhode Island. They read oth­er of my books in prepa­ra­tion for a vir­tu­al visit.
Saint Margaret's School, Rumford Rhode Island
My thanks to edu­ca­tors Bethany Bes­sette and Emi­ly Cross who read Some­thing Upstairs and The True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle with their class­es at Saint Mar­garet’s School in Rum­ford, Rhode Island.