
word craft


Press Kit

Avi by Kate Milford

Avi, 2021
[pho­to by Kate Mil­ford]
down­load­able pho­tos
avail­able below


Avi is part of a fam­i­ly of writ­ers extend­ing back into the 19th cen­tu­ry. Born in 1937 and raised in New York City, Avi was edu­cat­ed in local schools, before going to the Mid­west and then back to NYC to com­plete his edu­ca­tion. Start­ing out as a playwright—while work­ing for many years as a librarian—he began writ­ing books for young peo­ple when the first of his kids came along.

His first book was Things That Some­times Hap­pen, pub­lished in 1970, recent­ly reis­sued. Since then he has pub­lished more than sev­en­ty books. Win­ner of many awards, includ­ing the 2003 New­bery award for Crispin: the Cross of Lead (Hype­r­i­on), two New­bery Hon­ors, two Horn Book awards, and an O’Dell award, as well as many children’s choice awards, Avi fre­quent­ly trav­els to schools around the coun­try to talk to his readers.

Among his most pop­u­lar books are Crispin: The Cross of LeadThe True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte DoyleNoth­ing But the Truth, the Pop­py books, Mid­night Mag­ic, and The Fight­ing Ground.

His most recent books are Lost in the Empire CityThe Secret Sis­ters, City of Mag­ic, Loy­al­ty, Rag­weed and Pop­py, and the some­what auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal Catch You Lat­er, Trai­tor. Learn more at avi-writer.com, where you can read his week­ly blog, Word Craft. Fol­low Avi on Face­book, where he shares an inside look at his writ­ing process facebook.com/avi.writer and on Twit­ter @avi3writer.

Avi lives in Clark, Col­orado, with his wife.

Downloadable Documents

Inter­view with Avi

Avi’s Bio use­able for con­fer­ence pre­sen­ta­tions and school visits

Press Release for use with your local newspapers


VIDEO: “Mackin Sto­ry­teller Spot­light Wel­comes Avi,” Mackin Books

Chat with Leg­endary Author Avi,” Sharon O. Blum­berg, Chil­dren’s Book Insider

Con­ver­sa­tion between Avi and Gary D. Schmidt, Bookol­o­gy

‘Crispin’ Author Avi on His­tor­i­cal Fic­tion, Truth, and Jan­u­ary 6 | The New­bery at 100, ” Jonathan Hunt, School Library Journal

A Rocky Road to Lit­er­ary Suc­cess,” Dean Rob­bins, On Wis­con­sin

Inter­view with Avi, Scribblit

Writ­ing Advice from Avi, Amer­i­can Libraries

Downloadable Photos

To down­load a pho­to, right-click either pho­to and select “save target/image as.”

Please include the cred­it: Pho­to by Kate Milford.

Right-click on a link below to download:

Pho­to at top of page:

72 dpi, 180 px
RGB, 14 kb

72 dpi, 240 px
RGB, 22 kb

Avi, photo by Kate Milford
Avi, 2021 [pho­to by Kate Milford]

Pho­to imme­di­ate­ly above:

72 dpi, 8 in. x 5 in.
RGB, 51 kb

300 dpi, 8 in. x 4.5 in.
CMYK, 3 Mb

Downloadable, Full-Sized Book Covers

Ragweed & Poppy

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (5.5″ x 8″) for Rag­weed & Pop­py. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

Gold Rush Girl

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (6″ x 8″) for Gold Rush Girl. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

Crispin The Cross of Lead

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (5.5″ x 8″) for Crispin: The Cross of Lead. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (5.5″ x 8″) for The True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

Nothing But the Truth

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (5″ x 7.5″) for Noth­ing But the Truth. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”


Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (6″ x 8″) for Pop­py. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

The Fighting Ground

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (5.5″ x 8″) for The Fight­ing Ground. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

Click on this link to open a new win­dow with a full-sized book cov­er (5″ x 8″) for Mid­night Mag­ic. Then right-click on the new­ly opened book cov­er and select “save this image.”

Avi by Kate Milford

Avi, 2021
[pho­to by Kate Mil­ford]
down­load­able pho­tos
avail­able below