
word craft


Starting out

dark and stormy nightCon­tem­po­rary read­ers raised on TV, film, and video game nar­ra­tion don’t give the writer much slack in the open­ing of a nov­el. The impact of those oth­er forms of sto­ry­telling has been enor­mous. Com­pare today’s fic­tion to vir­tu­al­ly any Vic­to­ri­an, or even ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry fic­tion, and you will be struck by how dif­fer­ent is the pac­ing of a book’s first pages. I used to joke that my youngest son (now 23), raised with the mod­ern mix of nar­ra­tion, thought the per­fect plot was three explo­sions con­nect­ed by a chase. 

I believe it was Made­line L’Engle who referred to the first words of a nov­el as “an open­ing door.” I’ve also heard those words called “the hook.“ Years ago I read the mem­oir of a man who (in the 1930s) was a con­tract writer of a pop­u­lar book series, when a series num­bered fifty vol­umes. Vir­tu­al­ly all plots of the books were pre-for­mat­ted, but he still spent a huge amount of time on the open­ing page. “If I couldn’t hold them on the first page, I’d nev­er hold them.” Then, there’s always “It was a dark and stormy night,” the open­ing words of Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s (1830) nov­el, Paul Clif­ford

One of my read­ers wrote to me, “I read your book, True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle.  It was bor­ing at first, but by the sec­ond page it got good.” 


3 thoughts on “Starting out”

  1. LOVE all things Madeleine and appre­ci­ate the many doors she opened for my fam­i­ly as we read togeth­er. I’m excit­ed to swing wide those por­tals for my grand­chil­dren now, with both Meg Mur­ray and Char­lotte Doyle as able guides on our adventures. 

    Enjoyed meet­ing you and hear­ing your corny squir­rel sto­ries at the TX Month­ly bash. And keep plant­i­ng those seeds of hope! c:

  2. ‘Start­ing out’ is appro­pos for me, in that I’m at that point. Well…not real­ly. Been putting togeth­er our books since last year, and we are cur­rent­ly begin­ning #3 in the series. Pret­ty blis­ter­ing pace (I hear from knowl­edge­able sources in tra­di­tion­al pub­bing-world.) As teacher of 30 years, I found it remark­able that folks used to race to news stands to get Dick­ens’ lat­est install­ment of “Great Expectations”..long, toothy tomes that took so much audi­ence invest­ment. Now, you’re right: They want “Slam…Bang…Thank you, ma’am, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” And you bet­ter give them that. I’m one of the fastest-grow­ing demo­graph­ics right now–the Indie writ­ers. Our books, Grand­pa and the Truck, hope to get mar­ket share and we’ll be one of OOIDA’s Land­line mag’s “Cool Gifts” for Nov., going out to 200,000 truck­ers and their families.But we’re not just for truckers…we teach lots of things (geog. fig­ures promi­nent­ly as kids learn oth­er-than-GPS knowl­edge of Amer­i­ca, while track­ing the big rig’s move­ment across Amer­i­ca.) So, I like your books and your web­site; I salute your suc­cess; and I hope to emu­late some of what you do…


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