
word craft


The exact wrong word

repetitive writingWhen one writes, and one is into the flow of writ­ing, it’s not only easy to repeat the same word, it is a com­mon prac­tice. I’m not refer­ring to big, key words, but the small words that are actu­al­ly more ordi­nary in con­ver­sa­tion­al Eng­lish, rather than lit­er­ary writ­ing. These are words like just, only, real­ly, mean­while. They could be phras­es like it seemed to me, I stood there, the next moment. I’m sure you can think of many more. Their very rep­e­ti­tions blunt the edge of your prose, and make their use, when vital, very less mean­ing­ful. One can, and one does. go through a man­u­script and pluck out these weak straws, but it’s so very easy to miss them, more so when you’ve gone over your book a few thou­sand times. It is here that the com­put­er real­ly makes a dif­fer­ence. Your com­put­er can do what I believe is called a glob­al search and bring these words and phras­es right to your eyes and you can do some­thing about them.

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