
word craft



Finished?One of my sons is in the music indus­try. Among the things he does is work with bands to record their music. “You work in the stu­dio for hours and hours,” he told me. “Do the same in the mix­ing room, until it all sounds great. Exhaust­ed but sat­is­fied, you get in your car, slip the disk into the play­er and as you dri­ve home, you hear all the things that are wrong with it.”

Hav­ing just fin­ished the draft of a new nov­el, I do what many writ­ers do, find a first read­er. In my case I sent the book to some­one whose judg­ments I great­ly val­ue, and trust. She’s often my first read­er. Bless her! But, no soon­er does the man­u­script get swal­lowed by the postal ser­vice, than I’m accost­ed by thoughts of all the things wrong with it. 

Why does this hap­pen? Because I’m sud­den­ly think­ing of the read­er, not the writer.  Because it is now the reader’s book, not the writer’s. Because I’m not con­trol­ling it any more.

Except I am the writer. So when I get back from the post office what do I do with that just fin­ished book, the one I’ve just sent off? I start to rewrite it.

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