
word craft


Answering this question …

What is your best book?

seventy-threeThat’s a ques­tion this writer and oth­er long-lived writ­ers are often asked. Giv­en that I’ve pub­lished sev­en­ty-three books it seems a rea­son­able query. In fact, it’s hard to answer. Since some of my books were writ­ten forty, thir­ty, twen­ty years ago, I am aware of them, but they are not part of my every­day think­ing. Indeed, one of the strug­gles for the pro­lif­ic writer is to get read­ers to pay atten­tion to new­er work. Some­times cer­tain works in a writer’s canon get estab­lished to the detri­ment of what is new­er and, hope­ful­ly, bet­ter. I had a col­league who duti­ful­ly read all my books. No mat­ter what she read (and enjoyed) she always would say, “But I still like your first book best.” In writ­ers’ obit­u­ar­ies, one often finds the phrase, “Though a volu­mi­nous writer, his best remem­bered work is …“ and some­thing ear­ly on is men­tioned. The way I answer the ques­tion, “What is your best book?” is by say­ing (and want­i­ng it to be so), “I haven’t writ­ten it yet.”

3 thoughts on “Answering this question …”

  1. No mat­ter the top­ic a vis­it with you is a bright spot in my day. The plea­sure is always worth the pause.
    Many thanks! Gillian

  2. I under­stand how you think that. If you did­n’t think that your next book would be the best, then you would­n’t be able to write it as well as you do. Per­son­al­ly, my favorite book by you is The Secret School.

  3. Well I loved the City Of Orphans Book. We entered the con­test and we won.
    Now I’m read­ing S.O.R Los­er and so far I love that one too!-William


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