
word craft


On inspiration

One of the most com­mon ques­tions peo­ple ask me is, “Where did you get your inspi­ra­tion to write…“ to which is added the title of one my books.

Geoffrey ChaucerThe word inspire seems to derive from an old French word, and it first appears in Eng­lish print when Chaucer used it (1405) in the mem­o­rable open­ing words of his Can­ter­bury Tales. “Whan zephirus eek wt his sweete breeth / Inspired hath in euery holt and heeth / The ten­dre croppes.” The word itself, if one is to trust the Oxford Unabridged Dic­tio­nary (which I do), actu­al­ly means…to breathe life into something.

It’s an inter­est­ing word, and fits the ques­tion quite well, though I doubt its real mean­ing is in the mind of the kids who ask “Where did you get your inspi­ra­tion to…”

I think they are ask­ing, “How did you ever think of that?” a vari­ant of that most com­mon of ques­tions, “How do you get your ideas?”

Nev­er­the­less, the ques­tion, when asked, implies to me that my ideas come from some­where beyond, not from my thoughts, life, and, expe­ri­ence. Com­ing from the kids, it sug­gests they don’t have ideas. But, of course, they do. Yet, they don’t seem to give them val­ue. The ques­tion of the day is, Why not? 

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