
word craft


Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts.

Hard TimesIn 1854, Charles Dick­ens began to pub­lish his nov­el, Hard Times. It reminds this read­er of a com­men­tary on the Com­mon Core Cur­ricu­lum. It begins thus: 

Chap­ter One. The One Thing Needful

“ ‘Now, what I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls noth­ing but Facts. Facts alone are want­ed in life. Plant noth­ing else, and root out every­thing else. You can only form the minds of rea­son­ing ani­mals upon Facts: noth­ing else will be ever be of any ser­vice to them. This is the prin­ci­pal on which I bring up my own chil­dren, and this is the prin­ci­ple on which I bring up these chil­dren. Stick to Facts, sir!’ 

“The scene was plain, bare, monot­o­nous vault of a school­room, and the speak­er’s square fore­fin­ger empha­sized his obser­va­tions by under­lin­ing every sen­tence with a line on the school­mas­ter’s sleeve. The empha­sis was helped by the speak­er’s square wall of a fore­head, which had his eye­brows for its base, while his eyes found com­modi­ous cel­larage in two dark caves, over­shad­owed by the wall. The empha­sis was helped by the speak­er’s hair, which bris­tled on the skirts of his bald head….”

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