
word craft


Performing surgery

surgeonI have been work­ing on a new nov­el for more than three years. It has had many, many rewrites, and more than its share of frus­tra­tions and stress points. It is long—more than 60,000 words—and com­plex, but the goal is a taut thriller about some impor­tant subjects—and history. 

When my edi­tor read the lat­est ver­sion, she felt I had made major progress, and had solved key plot prob­lems. What essen­tial­ly remained, she said, was a need to cut some 5,000 words, which is to say about twen­ty pages from the manuscript. 

My reac­tion? I am delight­ed, even as I know that it will be hard to achieve. It is just here that a good edi­tor is so vital, and for this writer, a bless­ing. Since I have worked on this so long (by my stan­dards), rewrit­ing sen­tence by sen­tence, word for word, cut­ting this much is dif­fi­cult. How­ev­er, an objec­tive eye will point the way and pro­vide vital focus. That the book will be lean­er, swifter paced and there­by (hope­ful­ly) even more sus­pense­ful, is exact­ly what I want. 

As it hap­pens my daugh­ter, a third year med­ical stu­dent, is doing her surgery rota­tion at this same time. I will be sure to ask her for advice, too.

1 thought on “Performing surgery”

  1. I was asked to cut 60k out–which is an entire book. Don’t know if it is pos­si­ble but that is my task for 2014. I feel ya! Good Luck!


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