
word craft


While writing

What’s the best thing to do while writ­ing a book—yes, while writing?

King Arthur Flour breadBake bread. It takes hours, about the time a good writ­ing ses­sion takes place. You set the bread up, and the bread knead­ing lim­bers up your fin­gers for key­board, pen, or pen­cil.  Then you set the bread to rise, even as you set your­self down before your writ­ing desk. As the bread works itself, slow­ly expand­ing, your work is expand­ing, too. Time to rise from writ­ing, and you are prepar­ing for the sec­ond bread ris­ing. Then the actu­al bak­ing. Even as your writ­ing time ends, your whole apartment/house smells won­der­ful. You quit for the day, take the bread from the oven, and reward your­self for all your hard work with a slice—today it’s Ver­mont Whole Wheat Oat­meal Hon­ey Bread—recipe cour­tesy of King Arthur Flour.

I’ve been doing this writing/baking for years. My writ­ing may not rise to the occa­sion, but my bread always does.

1 thought on “While writing”

  1. I’ve cooked while I’ve writ­ten, but I’ve nev­er baked bread while writ­ing. It sounds like some­thing I have to try. Thanks for the sug­ges­tion (and the link to the recipe).


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