
word craft



bored boyJean, from Doylestown, PA  writes, “With all those books you wrote, don’t you ever get bored writing?” 

To be fair, the answer is yes. That does not mean I don’t love what I do—which is writing—but there comes a time—like any work—when I have to take a break, back away, enjoy a vaca­tion. My way of writing—it is my dai­ly work—is fair­ly intense, spend­ing many hours in front of a com­put­er screen or with an open man­u­script on my lap. Even when I am not phys­i­cal­ly writ­ing, I am more often than not think­ing about what I am writ­ing. I have learned that the inten­si­ty of work helps the writ­ing, helps me make con­nec­tions, reveal details, helps me under­stand my char­ac­ters and my plot. 

How­ev­er, my guess is that any kind of work—because you put so much into it—can be exhaust­ing. In short, when you are exhaust­ed, it is time to take a nap or go sit on a beach—or, hey, read a book that some­one else wrote.

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