
word craft


Less, Not More

scissorsAn edi­tor recent­ly told me that when she sug­gests that a writer cut a man­u­script, it often comes back longer. Anoth­er edi­tor com­plained that some­times there are more would-be writ­ers than readers.

Look at the shelf of new books at your local book­store. Notice how many mas­sive books there are. Con­sid­er how few short nov­els there are. In fact, one of the few places where you can find short­er books is on the shelves of children’s literature.

Writ­ing on a com­put­er means it is very easy to cut, to edit. Why then, has the age of the com­put­er meant longer books?

I sus­pect that in this Blog Age, this Self­ie Age, we care too much for our own words. We love to speak (write) more than we care to lis­ten (read). We live in a time when it’s hard­er to do less than to do more. Writ­ing less—while say­ing more—takes time, effort, and a lot of skill.

Next time you edit your own work, count (via com­put­er) how many words are in your text. Then, after edit­ing, count your words again. If it’s not less, maybe you haven’t done your job.

1 thought on “Less, Not More”

  1. Love this advice! The result is usu­al­ly strength, sim­plic­i­ty, and ele­gance, much like poet­ry. Must be why so many think it’s easy. Who was it that apol­o­gized after writ­ing a very long let­ter and said, “I would have writ­ten a short­er let­ter, but I sim­ply did­n’t have enough time.” So true!


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