
word craft


Movie possibilities

moviesThe oth­er day I received word from my agent that some­one was inter­est­ed in mak­ing a movie out of one of my pub­lished books. Is that excit­ing? Not real­ly. Let me explain.

The wheels of movie making—in my experience—move exceed­ing­ly slow. The first time I spoke to the per­son men­tioned above was two and a half years ago. Or longer. I can­not remem­ber. After a cou­ple of con­ver­sa­tions I heard noth­ing. That is not—for me—unusual. Over the years var­i­ous peo­ple have tak­en film options on my books. It has hap­pened maybe twelve times. One per­son held an option for eleven years. Anoth­er per­son held an option for three months. (I nev­er learned who) I have a cou­ple of books cur­rent­ly under option. One of them has gone on for five years. Do I ever hear from these folks? Nev­er. Is there mon­ey involved? For that three month option I made eight hun­dred dol­lars. Over that eleven year option I earned more, but noth­ing I could live on.

The chief point is no one has ever made a movie with one of my books. I have come close. A film of True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle was two weeks from pro­duc­tion, when one of the lead actors (he also had a finan­cial inter­est in the pro­duc­tion) was in a car acci­dent. He was dis­abled for six months. The pro­duc­tion was canceled.

Would I like to have a movie made from one of my books? I have a num­ber of writ­ing friends who have achieved this. Not one of them has said, “I thought they made a good film out of my book.” But all of them have said some­thing like, “It was fun to be part of the process and the release of the movie enhanced the sale of my book.”

Again, would I like to have a movie made from one of my books? Sure. Do I think it will hap­pen? No. Am I excit­ed by the lat­est pos­si­bil­i­ty? Expe­ri­ence has told me to stay with the key­board. I am almost fin­ished writ­ing the first draft of a new book. Now that excites me.

8 thoughts on “Movie possibilities”

  1. Pixar would be a good match for PERLOO THE BOLD. WOLF RIDER would be anoth­er I’d love to see on the sil­ver screen. Until then, I’ll just have to re-read the books myself.

  2. I still think True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Dole would make a spec­tac­u­lar film. I was sad to learn the movie was cancelled.

  3. While I would love to see a movie of Char­lotte Doyle and many oth­ers– ani­mat­ed Pop­py for exam­ple– I too am much more thrilled that there might be a new Avi title in the future. I think the place in my head where I envi­sion what hap­pens in the books is always bet­ter than what I get in a movie. There are rare times when the book was not that great, and then the movie can almost redeem it. But I’m sure that would not be one of yours.

  4. AVI: My first nov­el, MAMA (Boyds Mills Press; paper­back) has been in print for over three decades and optioned time and time again. Some of the actress­es who were inter­est­ed in the role are either too old or dead! Yes, the option process goes on and on.

  5. I have to admit, I was ter­ri­fied when I heard some­one was mak­ing the True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle into a movie. There is no way the film would have lived up to the high stan­dards in my head. I do hope you get your film, but maybe not that one… But a new book! Yes, please!

  6. Yes, I’d rather see a new book as well. I remem­ber see­ing “Guardians of Ga’Hoole” and think­ing that, despite the author being list­ed as a pro­duc­er or some­thing, it was­n’t very true to the series.

  7. I am 70 plus years old and just fin­ished Crispin The Edge of the World. I could­n’t put it down. And the cov­er from Thorndike Press is special.


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