
word craft


More than one book at a time

Four booksA recent blog post had me work­ing on four books at one time. Let me grant it is an absurd num­ber, but cir­cum­stances have giv­en me lit­tle choice. As my twin sis­ter, Emi­ly Lei­der, her­self an accom­plished writer, asks, “As you work on four books at the same time, how do you keep their plots and voic­es from mesh­ing?” Well she should ask.

Of course I do not work on these books with each change of every hour. I may work on one book for a week or two, then move on to the next as need and dead­lines pull me, push me.

There is one aspect of this that I think is extreme­ly pro­duc­tive. This way of work­ing requires me to put aside one book (Book A) and turn to anoth­er (Book B). This can mean a break of a few weeks before return­ing to Book C. It is the step­ping away and com­ing back that is so very pro­duc­tive. Mind, the books are very dif­fer­ent one from the oth­er. The jolt of com­ing back to a text allows me to see what I have done with greater clarity.

I don’t sug­gest work­ing on four books. Don’t do it. But, I think it is a good idea to work on two projects, as long as they are very dif­fer­ent one from the oth­er. Dis­tance helps. Time away helps. Absence makes the text grow, if not fonder, sure­ly better.

2 thoughts on “More than one book at a time”

  1. AVI: Good advice. Even with anthol­o­gy I find it inter­est­ing to work on more than one at a time, most­ly the same rea­sons you cite when writ­ing a nov­el. I might work on a col­lec­tion for very young chil­dren and one for a YA group some­times on the same day. It all helps to keep bal­ance. By the way, I’m glad you enjoyed the ‘sur­prise hug’ from Natasha Wing. Love-ness .… Lee

  2. I fre­quent­ly have more than one book going, but at dif­fer­ent stages. Right now I am writ­ing a first draft of a mid­dle­grade nov­el set in the Civ­il War in New Mex­i­co. I’ve got a con­tem­po­rary mg nov­el that’s about Valen­tine’s Day that will come out in Jan­u­ary: it still needs a cov­er and a final clean up of typos. A third book, a YA dual nar­ra­tive, is on hold until next fall because it retells the sto­ry of Beowulf, and Beowulf is com­ing to TV next fall. It’s done, but I still have to work on a mar­ket­ing plan. Of course, my dead­lines are more flu­id since I self pub. You’ve been a major inspi­ra­tion to me over the years, Avi. My boys swal­lowed your nov­els whole. I hope some­day to have fans as devot­ed to me as they were to you.


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