
word craft


Four years!

Four yearsOn March 12, 2012 I post­ed the first of these blogs. Word­craft is now four years old! I can only hope what I have to say about the world of writ­ing, read­ing, and the teach­ing there­of, con­tin­ues to be of inter­est. Noth­ing I say should be con­strued as rules, but are merely—for bet­ter and worse—just my expe­ri­ence, a point by which dis­cus­sions can be extended.

I am always grate­ful for your engage­ment, and hope you will con­tin­ue to sug­gest top­ics on which you would like me to comment.


8 thoughts on “Four years!”

  1. Enjoy your blog. Real­is­tic and always help­ful. Thank you, Avi. Could you write about agents and pro­to­col — whether it’s a cold sub­mis­sion or they’ve asked to see some or all ms., what’s appro­pri­ate time to expect response, what if they don’t respond at all, etc.?

  2. Thank you for four years of your gen­er­ous gifts. The very inti­mate look into your process. I always feel your sym­pa­thy and com­pas­sion for oth­er writ­ers. You are a spe­cial one, Avi. Con­grat­u­la­tions and wish­ing you many more years of writ­ing a suc­cess­ful writ­ers’ blog, not to men­tion your won­der­ful books! Cheers!


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