
word craft



Mor­gan, from St. Augus­tine FL asks, “What inspired you to become a writer?”

  1. House of BooksI grew up in a house of books.
  2. My moth­er read to us every night.
  3. She was inter­est­ed in children’s books and gave us the best pic­ture books there were.
  4. I learned to read at an ear­ly age and nev­er stopped reading.
  5. There was a lot of sto­ry­telling at fam­i­ly gatherings.
  6. Every Fri­day we went to the local Pub­lic Library. I picked the books I want­ed to look at/read.
  7. At some point I could and would go on my own to the library.
  8. I was allowed to read what­ev­er I want­ed, even com­ic books.
  9. Every birth­day and Christ­mas I received at least one book.
  10. My sib­lings and I were encour­aged to have our own libraries.
  11. There was a used book store in the neigh­bor­hood where I could buy books for ten or twen­ty-five cents.
  12. I lis­tened to the radio a lot.
  13. I read every day.
  14. But it wasn’t until high school that I decid­ed to become a writer, and then because I was told I did not write well.

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