
word craft


From the Mailbox, part 2

Dear Avi-

Ragweed & PoppyThank you so very much for send­ing me a copy of Rag­weed and Pop­py. It was such a won­der­ful sur­prise to win the draw­ing! I’m not sure who was more excit­ed, me or my 9yo daugh­ter. She is a huge Pop­py fan. When we heard that you were work­ing on a new Pop­py adven­ture, there was great antic­i­pa­tion. In fact, when I unwrapped your book, she swooped in and began read­ing it imme­di­ate­ly. She fin­ished it tonight, just gob­bled it down in 2 days. She loved it and said it was a lot more fun­ny than the oth­er sto­ries. She also thought the illus­tra­tions were adorable. Thank you so much for your writ­ing and for con­tin­u­ing the sto­ry for these beloved char­ac­ters. I sup­pose there are many oth­er things you might like to do with your days but as long as you keep writ­ing then we’ll be read­ing them. I hope that you are in good health and spir­its and that you are enjoy­ing every day that God gives us.

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