
word craft


Summer Blog Series: Jerdine Nolen

From Avi: As I did last sum­mer, I’ve invit­ed 13 admired mid­dle grade authors to write for my blog for the next three months. I hope you’ll tune in each Tues­day to see who has answered these three ques­tions. You should have a list of ter­rif­ic books to read and share and read aloud by the end of the sum­mer … along with new authors to follow!

Your favorite book on writing:

Love, love, love Natal­ie Goldberg’s book, Writ­ing Down the Bones: Free­ing the Writer With­in.

Reading aloud from my books:

Har­vey Potter’s Bal­loon Farm is the most request­ed read aloud. Sec­ond to that is Rais­ing Drag­ons and then, Thun­der Rose

Where do you write most often?

My writ­ing space is very much in tran­si­tion. It is being moved to a new location.


In the mean­time, I can show you what it looks like while its con­tents – papers, pen­cils, pens, books, files, glass­es, cof­fee cups, slip­pers, sweaters are right now all being packed up into box­es. My desk, con­sid­er­ably much neater than when I am work­ing there. Sparse, real­ly, hard­ly recognizable.

Jerdine Nolen's clean desk

Jerdine’s most recent mid­dle grade nov­el, Hope’s Path to Glo­ry: The Sto­ry of a Fam­i­ly’s Jour­ney on the Over­land Trail

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