
word craft


Wrapping Up the 2024 Summer Blog Series

gr_giftbox_blue_200My 2024 Sum­mer Blog Series in which I invit­ed twelve suc­cess­ful writ­ers to com­ment on one of their recent books and to give some advice about writ­ing has con­clud­ed.  For you teach­ers and librar­i­ans and new writ­ers there is enough wealth of insights and ideas to sug­gest a re-read­ing.  And using. How­ev­er, to help you sort things out I’ve tried to sum­ma­rize what I thought was a key tip that each writer pro­vid­ed.  My apolo­gies if I have over­sim­pli­fied what they had to offer.  Here, how­ev­er, is what I gleaned, a brief thought, which is more than wor­thy enough to use or pass on.

Pedro Martín: “Be authen­tic. Your expe­ri­ences and feel­ings are what make your sto­ry unique. Lean­ing into that authen­tic­i­ty makes your char­ac­ters even more interesting.”

Janet Wong: “Don’t be afraid of your wildest ideas.”

Gor­don Kor­man: “An idea is not a sto­ry.  Instead, flesh out your idea to cre­ate a story—beginning, mid­dle and end.  An out­line.  Your writ­ing will go faster, eas­i­er, and be better.”

Car­o­line Starr Rose: “Feel free to play with words so as to inspire your imagination.”

Rebec­ca Kai Dotlich: “Don’t sec­ond guess your ideas: Just put them on the page and go from there.”

Bruce Cov­ille: “Keep a jour­nal.  It will evoke your mem­o­ries. Those mem­o­ries can often lead to excep­tion­al sto­ry ideas.”

Karen Cush­man: “Read a lot, write a lot, lis­ten well.”

Jolene Gutiér­rez: “The essence of becom­ing a good writer is per­sis­tent work, work, work.”

Steven Sheinkin: “Let curios­i­ty be your guide to writing.”

Ellen Oh: “Fin­ish what you start. Don’t give up.”

Joseph Bruchac: “Beyond all else, be a good listener.”

Susan Cam­bell Bar­to­let­ti: “Be con­stant­ly curi­ous. Ask end­less questions.”

And from me: My mantra is that writ­ers don’t write writ­ing. They write reading.

Now, get busy.

Down­load these writ­ing tips in PDF form to share with your class­room or writ­ing group.

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