
word craft



BLURB: “A short lauda­to­ry phrase — or even a word — that prais­es a piece of cre­ative work.” 

In the book world, blurbs are often placed on the back of the book jack­et, or in the adver­tis­ing for the book. The word is said to have been coined by the US artist and crit­ic Gelett Burgess (1866–1951) in 1914. The British call them “puffs,” as in emp­ty air.

If you look at books you have seen many a blurb, often lauda­to­ry words (“Amaz­ing!” “Won­der­ful!”) or phras­es (“The best book I’ve read in years!” “A thrilling thriller!”) on book jack­ets. They are there to entice a poten­tial read­er to buy or read the work.

blurbs for A Very Chinese Cookbook by Kevin and Jeffrey Pang
from a book about Victorian life by Ruth Goodman

Now the pub­lish­er Simon and Schus­ter has recent­ly announced they will no longer put these blurbs on their books. My guess is that oth­er pub­lish­ers will fol­low suit.

If you are part of the book world you know that these lauda­to­ry remarks have been request­ed by the writer, the pub­lish­er, the book’s edi­tor, or the publisher’s mar­ket­ing depart­ment. It is often assumed (not nec­es­sar­i­ly cor­rect­ly) by me — and oth­ers — that they have been writ­ten by the writer’s good friends.

I know that when I see all these remarks on the back of a book the only ones that hold mean­ing for me are the quotes from estab­lished, pub­lished, review pub­li­ca­tions. Such as — “An impor­tant his­to­ry of a neglect­ed time — New York Times.” I don’t even trust blurbs cred­it­ed to well-known lit­er­ary fig­ures. To be sure they may even be hon­est respons­es. But embed­ded as they are in all those glit­ter­ing phras­es, I don’t believe them. They are rather like cos­tume jew­el­ry; pret­ty but not real.

I have nev­er asked any­one to write a blurb for one of my books. That said, I have often been asked to write one. While I have almost always declined, I con­fess that over the years I have writ­ten three, per­haps four blurbs, when they have come from writ­ers who are friends. In those cir­cum­stances, it was dif­fi­cult — awk­ward — to say no. For­tu­nate­ly in those few cas­es when I wrote them I tru­ly liked the work, so at least I did not have to lie about my reaction.

The prob­lem with “blurbs” is that there is always a need to pub­licly eval­u­ate books. When you get solicit­ed remarks it deval­ues legit­i­mate respons­es. Because it is a fact in the life of a writer that if you pub­licly pub­lish you are going to be pub­licly judged. When neg­a­tive, such judg­ments can be painful, when stu­pid, it can be mad­den­ing, but when pos­i­tive, it can also be a joy­ful, sup­port­ive moment. 

Blurbs, how­ev­er, are not to be trust­ed. Feel free to quote me.

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