
word craft



The Bookies Denver

A Love Story

I flew to Phoenix to accept an award, then flew to Den­ver to vis­it schools. I also agreed to make a book­store appear­ance. It changed my life.

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Ready to Move Forward

After a month or so of dither­ing — try­ing out this notion, that notion — I’ve com­mit­ted myself to the book I intend to write next. Indeed, I’ve already rewrit­ten it twen­ty times.

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Ah, A I

Gram­marly instruct­ed me that my pri­ma­ry writ­ing prob­lem is com­mas. That, I believe.

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Little Free Library, Denver

My Library Life

When I was a kid, liv­ing in Brook­lyn, NY, a Fri­day vis­it to the local pub­lic library was part of our fam­i­ly routine.

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Visiting Chickens

Yes­ter­day, when I pulled into the park­ing lot of Denver’s Park Hill Ele­men­tary School, I was imme­di­ate­ly greet­ed by the cluck­ing of chickens.

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Where the Red Fern Grows by

Early Reading

Nev­er for­got­ten: Have you had such a moment, such a teacher, such a book? I invite you to share it with us. Leave your com­ment here or on the blog.

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The Zone of Interest

See it. Listen to it.

The movie shows us that even as we con­tin­ue our lives, we often are, at some lev­el, aware of what is hap­pen­ing and choos­ing to ignore it.

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Publishers Weekly Fall 2023 Children's Announcements

Publishing after Covid

While in many respects the Covid pan­dem­ic is behind us (but not, sad­ly, com­plete­ly) it has had a long-term impact on many aspects of our soci­ety. That includes the world of books and pub­lish­ing and the peo­ple who cre­ate them.

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