
word craft


Amanda Joins the Circus

Amanda Joins the Circus

illus. by David Wis­niews­ki
Harper­Collins, 1999
out of print; look for this book at your favorite library or used bookstore

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What’s this book about?

Awe­some! That’s the only word Aman­da the rac­coon can think of to describe the cir­cus, and she’s deter­mined to join it as a clown. Her broth­er, Phillip, wants to join the cir­cus, too. But the two rac­coons don’t know there’s some­one who plans to close the cir­cus down—and they’re head­ed for a show­down in the cen­ter ring.

Story Behind the Story

When I was a boy liv­ing in New York City, one of the news­pa­pers that came into the house was the Her­ald Tri­bune. Every day the news­pa­per print­ed a chap­ter of a ser­i­al sto­ry by Thorn­ton W. Burgess. These were ani­mal tales, illus­trat­ed by Har­ri­son Cady, and they went on for years. I loved them. More­over, I could buy the com­plete sto­ry from a neigh­bor­hood used book deal­er for twen­ty-cents a book—the first books I ever bought on my own.

Seri­al­iza­tion made a deep impres­sion on me. Years lat­er when I moved to Col­orado and a small town which had its own news­pa­per, I sug­gest­ed to them the idea of a seri­al­ized sto­ry. They were inter­est­ed and, as a result, I wrote Keep Your Eye on Aman­da. That in turn led to the cre­ation of Break­fast Seri­als, and the pub­li­ca­tion of many ser­i­al sto­ries by many writ­ers. At its high point it reached thir­ty-five mil­lion read­ers! Aman­da Joins the Cir­cus was the sec­ond ser­i­al book I wrote.

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