
word craft


The End of the Beginning

The End of the Beginning

Har­court, 2004

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Being the Adventures of a Small Snail (and an Even Smaller Ant)

What’s this book about?

This is a sto­ry that begins where it ends and ends where it begins: in the tree­top home of a rather small snail named Avon. Avon longs to go on an adven­ture. Adven­ture, he has heard, is the key to a hap­py life. So he sets out on an excit­ing jour­ney with his new pal, Edward, a thought­ful but mis­in­formed ant. Togeth­er they meet all man­ner of wise, weird, and intrigu­ing creatures—including a dragon!—and dis­cov­er that even tiny adven­tures can broad­en your view of the world.

Story Behind the Story

To under­stand this sto­ry about a sto­ry you need to know that my birth cer­tifi­cate name is Edward, though oth­er than sign­ing a cred­it card I nev­er use it.

Once upon a time I had a good friend, since passed, who was a writer. Avon actu­al­ly pub­lished a num­ber of fine non-fic­tion books along with his wife who was a pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er. They lived in rur­al North Brook­field, Mass­a­chu­setts, the set­ting for anoth­er book of mine, Emi­ly Upham’s Revenge.

Now the truth is, as a writer, Avon talked his craft very well, with won­der­ful wit. Indeed, he was a won­der­ful sto­ry­teller, with many a good tale to tell. That said, he was a very, very, very slow writer.

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Awards and Recognition

  • Through the Look­ing Glass, Edi­tor’s Choice. 2004
  • Best Adven­ture: Dis­ney Adven­tures Sixth Annu­al Book Award 2005
  • Maine Stu­dent Book Award 2005–2006


“What is so extra­or­di­nary about this unique lit­tle book is that every time one reads it one finds some­thing new to puz­zle over or won­der at. New inter­pre­ta­tions can be made and mulled over as one enjoys the whim­si­cal and delight­ful pen­cil draw­ings cre­at­ed by Tri­cia Tusa. In the tra­di­tion of The Lit­tle Prince and Pooh, Avi has cre­at­ed a book which will delight, and puz­zle, read­ers of all ages and for years to come.” (Through the Look­ing Glass)

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