
word craft


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Joseph Bruchac photo by Trish Miller

Summer Blog Series: Joseph Bruchac

There are a num­ber of things about my new, mid­dle grade nov­el, Rez Dogs that make it dif­fer­ent from any book I’ve done before. In fact, before I go any fur­ther, I should point out that, even though I am list­ed as the author, I did not write it. 

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Avi, photo by Kate Milford

2024 Summer Blog Series: Avi

Where do you get your ideas? Best writ­ing tips? This sum­mer I have asked writer friends and col­leagues to answer these same two ques­tions that I am sure they too are con­stant­ly being asked by young peo­ple — their readers.

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Brian Floca

Summer Blog Series: Brian Floca

“My favorite book on writ­ing, as my stu­dio mates may have heard too often, is Uri Shulevitz’s Writ­ing with Pic­tures.” Bri­an Flo­ca’s favorite book to read aloud, his writ­ing space, and more. 

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