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Pamela S. Turner

Summer Blog Series: Pamela S. Turner

About her favorite book to read aloud, Pam says there’s a state­ment on the back cov­er, “Very few peo­ple in this sto­ry die of nat­ur­al caus­es.” Her favorite book about writ­ing? Her own writ­ing space?

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Torrey Maldonado

Summer Blog Series: Torrey Maldonado

As a boy, I did­n’t hate books, but, like those around me, we felt books hat­ed us since we did not see us in the writ­ten word. If we were in books, we weren’t main char­ac­ters, com­plex, amaz­ing, and wor­thy of respect.

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Avi, photo by Kate Milford

Summer Blog Series: Avi

In which I answer the three ques­tions I’ve sent on to 13 admired mid­dle grade authors for my Sum­mer Blog Series. Stay tuned each Tues­day for sug­ges­tions from a new author.

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