
word craft


It’s creepy, and it’s true …

Wolf Rider: a tale of terror

Some­times a writer writes a book because its inspi­ra­tion haunts him. Such was the case with Wolf Rid­er: a Tale of Ter­ror. Here’s the descrip­tion for the book, “After receiv­ing an appar­ent crank call from a man claim­ing to have com­mit­ted mur­der, fif­teen-year-old Andy finds his close rela­tion­ship with his father crum­bling as he strug­gles to make every­one believe him.” 

Strange but true: the open­ing episode in this book is some­thing that actu­al­ly hap­pened to me. The tele­phone call came short­ly after I moved into a new apart­ment and had just received my phone. It was in fact, the first call that came in—on a land line desk phone. The who, the why, and how, I nev­er learned. It was nonethe­less, very trou­bling, very dis­turb­ing. I could not get it out of my mind.

The way I worked my way free of the event was by writ­ing about it—something writ­ers some­times do—inventing a who, a why, and how. Some of my read­ers tell me Wolf Rid­er is the scari­est book I have ever writ­ten. Per­haps it is. It sure­ly is creepy. And … it did real­ly hap­pen. At least the beginning.

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