
word craft


Wolf Rider

Wolf Rider

Scholas­tic, 2022

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audio book nar­rat­ed by 
Richard Ferrone

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A Tale of Terror

What’s this book about?

After receiv­ing an appar­ent crank call from a man claim­ing to have com­mit­ted mur­der, fif­teen-year-old Andy finds his close rela­tion­ship with his father crum­bling as he strug­gles to make every­one believe him.

Story Behind the Story

Some­times things hap­pen to a writer which allows him or her to write a tale using the inci­dent as the basis for a sto­ry. The ori­gin of Wolf Rid­er was just such a true inci­dent, and it was quite horrific.

I had just moved into a new apart­ment. I had just installed a new phone (this was before cell phones.) I am not even sure I had received a phone call as yet. Nonethe­less the phone rang.

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“… an excit­ing tale of the ter­ror lurk­ing beneath every­day sur­round­ings and behind ordi­nary events.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly)

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