
word craft


In which I show improvement

It is not usu­al to sud­den­ly come upon infor­ma­tion about your­self when you were five years old. Adult son Shaun was going through old fam­i­ly papers when he found my report card for my AM kinder­garten. As I say, I was five years old.  S=satisfactory. I=improvement. U=Unsatisfactory. I like to think things have got­ten better.

Avi report card

Avi's kindergarten report card

5 thoughts on “In which I show improvement”

  1. What a hoot! And what a great tes­ti­mo­ny to keep­ing these items from child­hood around (she says as she curs­es her­self for hav­ing recy­cled most of the chil­dren’s report cards etc.) I love that you’re grad­ed on using a handkerchief–where has THAT mile­stone gone in our mod­ern life?!

  2. Such improve­ment, Avi! You should be proud (believe me, we’re grate­ful that you mas­tered the hygiene standards).


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