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Consider the book review

pho­to cred­it: Igor Zakhare­vich | 123rf.com

What exact­ly is it?

Is it a ran­dom, per­son­al judg­ment of a book, an “I liked it. I did­n’t like it” response?

Is it a pro­fes­sion­al eval­u­a­tion of a book writ­ten by some­one steeped in lit­er­ary knowledge?

Or is it a casu­al evaluation?

How does one become a book reviewer?

Who are they?

Some pub­li­ca­tions pro­vide book reviews anony­mous­ly. Why?

Oth­er pub­li­ca­tions always give the name of the review­er. Why?

Is a book review a buy­ing guide?

Is it writ­ten with a spe­cif­ic read­er in mind? A teacher? A librar­i­an? His­to­ri­an? Parent?

If a book review is writ­ten for a spe­cif­ic group, is it rel­e­vant for anoth­er kind of group?

Is it meant to pro­vide judg­ment upon the writer?

Can/should a writer learn from book reviews?

What con­sti­tutes a well writ­ten book review?

Is there such a thing as a bad­ly writ­ten book review?

Can you have a well writ­ten review of a “bad” book?

Or a bad­ly writ­ten review of a “good” book?

Are all book reviews equal?

And those blurbs—usually found at the back of a book—are they reviews? Some­times they are. Some­times they are not. Can you tell the difference?

And when you read respons­es to books on the inter­net, on Ama­zon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, and any num­ber of blogs—which cat­e­go­ry of review— as list­ed above—if they are reviews—are they?

Are there good book review­ers, poor book reviewers?

Should you, the read­er, learn to review book reviews?

How should writ­ers respond to reviews? As a writer, I have heard writ­ers say, “I nev­er read reviews.” I have heard oth­er writ­ers say, “I read every review.” Then again, “I only read reviews in.…” and they name a spe­cif­ic pub­li­ca­tion. I have had edi­tors tell me, “Nev­er read reviews on, or by.…”

Yes, con­sid­er the book review.

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